Research for
Health Promotion

Partnering with health organisations, we can provide services on a global level as part of wider health promotion and disease prevention campaigns.

Services in this area include:

  • Developing and testing health messaging associated with health promotion and prevention campaigns.

  • Helping develop community engagement infrastructures to inform the design of health promotion and prevention messaging.

  • Usability testing of software, websites, apps with a health education aim.

  • Design, development, and testing of the patient and caregiver-oriented public health information materials.

  • Devising ways to communicate health information amongst linguistically and culturally diverse populations, including rare languages and patient groups.

  • Working with AI for the development of glossaries for health terms in rarer and lesser-known languages.

  • Fact-finding: conducting research with patient groups to gain insights into the nature of problems and challenges of a given public health issue.

  • Assisting with the design and execution of health promotion plans (patient recruitment, stakeholder engagement, patient outreach).

  • Outcomes research: evaluating the effectiveness of health promotion and disease prevention campaigns within communities.

Join us in shaping the future of healthcare

Contact us if you want to find out how we can help you with your project, if you wish to become part of our network of in-country partners or if you wish to take part in one of our studies.